Community TechAid our Charity of the Year and Now Our Partner!

Last year we met with some of the team at @‌Community TechAid at an event. We really liked their goal to reduce E-Waste by directly helping to reduce the digital divide by getting otherwise unused equipment into the hands of those who can benefit the most from gaining access!

In Community TechAid’s words: “Our goal is to provide our community with the three fundamentals of digital inclusion: access to technology, connectivity and the knowledge and skills to access the online world."

So we wanted them to be our Charity of the Year as they do really good work and it is directly aligned with our goals as well! This meant we initiated more conversations and so a few months later this relationship evolved to a partnership!

We saw an opportunity to be able to help each other. ICEX GROUP has the logistical capacity to carry out some of the larger jobs and can take on the highest levels of data liability. Community TechAid can put the excess laptops and devices to the best use possible around the London area and we want to help Community TechAid to expand across the UK!

To see more about what Community TechAid are up to please see the link in the comments.

Please have a read of the document attached for more details and please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today for any queries about how we can help make IT more sustainable and have a greater positive social impact:


📞 01376 503900

ICEX GROUP’s mission is to securely revive or relocate, and if necessary, recycle all our clients’ technology assets, to help achieve digital equality, and reduce E-waste to landfill.

Community TechAid’s mission is to enable sustainable access to technology and skills needed to ensure digital inclusion for all.

See more about Community TechAid and see if you can help out here:

#PositiveSocialImpact #DigitalInclusion #CloseDigitalDivide #Sustainability #Security #CharityOfTheYear #PartnershipForGood


ICEX GROUP is Now a Member of the LCCI!


Happy New Year from all at ICEX GROUP!